Melissa Browne

Greetings and Salutations! My name is Melissa Browne and working at Shear Grace is literally a dream come true. My family's salon since 2010, I've always jokingly said my goal was to work here one day, even if it was just sweeping hair. The salon just always felt like home and family to me. I'm beyond grateful to now serve others alongside my amazing co-workers. I love Jesus, books, swimming, hiking, camping, road-trip adventures and all things outdoors. Encouraging and loving on others is what makes my servant's heart most happy. My young adult children have been one of my biggest blessings and hubby and I are enjoying the semi-empty nest with dogs, goats and chickens to keep us entertained.

I began my holistic and integrative health education several years ago, obtaining Clinical Health Specialist and Emotional Balancing Consultant certifications. Through them, I am able to offer an integrative approach in creating wellness plans, helping clients to discover root causes and develop care plans to support their body's natural ability to heal. While taking those classes, I was drawn to the emotional and spiritual components of healing. I went on to become a Licensed Spiritual Healer and currently facilitate Raindrop Technique, Vitaflex reflexology and Christ-centered energy work, focusing on emotional and trauma release and supporting the body's natural detoxification process.

My healing mission is to bring awareness to others that healing involves emotional, Spiritual and physical aspects, empowering them to take responsibility for their own health and well-being by surrendering to the Creator and accepting Divine healing on every level of their being, with an emphasis on the importance of emotional processing and release in the healing process.

I believe that healing is spiritual, physical, and emotional; you can’t address one without the others. I believe our bodies were created to heal themselves, with proper support and interventions. My mission is to empower people to tap into their inner-healing power, with a focus on trapped emotions, past traumas, and stagnant energy. I'm simply a guide; it's you and God doing all the work.

I do not diagnose or treat any disorder or condition and am not a substitute for medical care. I am a Certified Raindrop Technique Specialist and a board-certified Licensed Spiritual Healer who is qualified to help others surrender to God and accept God's healing. I look forward to the opportunity to serve God as I serve others and support them along their healing journey. Please call or text 573-579-8385 or email if you have any questions or to schedule an appointment.

Love and Blessings, Melissa Browne LSH, CRTS, CHS, EBC