List of Services

  • Raindrop Technique

    A form of aromatherapy, it combines Native American healing and Tibetan reflexology techniques with a sequence of anointing with oils and laying on of hands that brings structural and electrical alignment to the body in a relaxing and invigorating manner through the power of essential oils. Its purpose is to stimulate every organ, muscle and bone of the body at a cellular level through the oils, supporting the immune system and supporting the release of toxins and emotions. It is a non-secular art and science that supports the body’s ability to heal itself and receive Divine healing. First appointment takes approximately 1.5 hours, subsequent appointments are approximately an hour.

    Price $75 (includes $35-$40 worth of applied oils). Special Intro price of $57 for all new clients.

  • Ionic detox footbaths

    Uses negative ions to cleanse the body of toxins. The ions (negative charge) attach themselves to the toxins (positive charge) and then are flushed out through the feet. No medication should be taken 2 hours before or after soak. 1/$30 or 4/$100.

  • Vitaflex

    A form of reflexology that induces currents along the nerve pathways through touch. The technique is used during Raindrop, but can also be used as a short stand-alone service to support the body’s ability to heal in areas like colon cleansing, respiratory and sinus issues, headaches, lymph system movement, ear issues, and more. Each service takes an average of 15 minutes. Price $20 (oils included) .

  • BrainTap Therapy

    90% of our behavior, actions and emotions are driven by our subconscious. BrainTap is a lights and sounds therapy device that taps into your subconscious and works to break down and repair non-beneficial thought patterns and encourage the productive parts of your mind; like exercising the brain. It's personally helped with my brain fog, focus and mood regulation. Programs include weight release, inner child work, addiction, PTSD and many others after the 3 week introduction period.

    $20 per session. First session free. Headsets and/or subscriptions (can be used with headphones) available for home use purchase (recommended for most benefit). Sessions range from 11-30 min.

  • Prayer Clearings

    We all have trapped and inherited emotions, generational curses, “stuck” energy, and imbalances in our various energy fields, chakras and meridians. These possibly manifest into physical problems (stress, hello?) if not addressed. Using Muscle Response Testing and a checklist, we go through each category and ask your subconscious if there are any imbalances and ask God to release and clear them. I love this for releasing past traumas, childhood emotions we didn’t know how to deal with, and all the “stuff” we just pushed through because we had no choice or didn’t have the tools to properly process the emotions. No talking or re-living the episode required; God just takes it away. $30/session. First session averages 60 minutes, then usually 30-45 minutes for subsequent sessions. Also available as a remote service.

  • Products

    ​Young Living Essential
